Thursday 25 November 2010

Brand orienteering.. Journey planner

Owen stevens is a Branding consultant and his company is called Brand orienteering. He came into Stockport College and put on a half day branding workshop for me and the rest of the group. He did a little a presentation, mini games and a few exercises.

How will brand orienteering be useful to me?

Helps with research..
It will make me think more about branding...
Its an interesting way to discuss a brief....
Makes me ask questions about my own work.....

Three main types of Brands

Rainbow brands: Always chasing the pot of gold. Confused and confusing the harder they run faster they run themselves into the ground.

Pack brands: Follow my leader. One eye firmly fixed on the competition pack brands play it safe, never stray too far from the well-trodden path.

Sticky Brands: Pro-active not reactive sticky brands create opportunites at every turn. Not afraid to take the path less travelled they set the pace and run their own race.

Owen talked about celebrity brands, brand characteristics, brand personality, basicly all the things that make a brand what it is. We played a little game owen gave us a pack of cards and the cards were brand names of cars me and my partner had to pick out cars that we considered to be affordable and popular. When he revealed the list, I found that the cars that I thought would be top of the list weren't and the ones that I couldn't see the majority of the public buying were at the top.

I found the workshop very benificial, it certaintly made me think more about my work, I based the workshop around a brief I was working on around the time of the workshop which was a the body shop brief (packaging). It made me think that there is more to the Body Shop than its products. After the workshop I looked more into the history of Body Shop to get a better understanding about the company. This helped me push forward with my work.

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