Thursday 25 November 2010

HelloMe and Smack communication

Hello me

Last week I went on a residential to Berlin. Hellome was the first agency that I was due to visit. Myself and the rest of the group met up outside what we thought was Hellome design agency. We then found out that It was actually the apartment of Till Wideck (The designer of the agency). We were told this by flat mate, who very kindly rang Wideck and explain what had happened. What had actually happened was the address on the Hellome website was his apartment address not the agency address. To prevent this sort of thing from happening again, I think more research into the agencies should be done beforehand, so I go to the correct place,especially if your going to a country that your not familiar with. I would have liked to go on and find the actual agency from there but due to bad weather we went back to where we were staying in Berlin.

Smack communication

This was a design agency also in Berlin, I set this one up myself, I did some research and I was inspired by there work, especially an advertisement they did for t-mobile. I emailed the agency, and heard back from them within days. The visit was arranged for friday the 19th November (the day we were leaving to go back to manchester). I was really looking forward to the visit, but due to fact it was coming to the end of my stay in Berlin, I didn't have enough money to travel to the agency.
This has taught me to spend my money better and to be more organised and prepared ( plan ahead). For example If I didn't have much money left I should of allowed myself more to be able to walk there and back to my hostel.

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