Thursday 25 November 2010

Come design with me...

Come design with me took place on the 7th October at Stockport College. Past graduates came along to chat to us about life after graduation they gave us some useful advice, dos and don't etc.. The event was organised by 5 members of my class Lucy, Ashley, Laura, Jay and mike. They did really well in organising it all, they split the evening into two parts for the first hour or so was chatting to the graduates and the second part of the evening was looking at there work, eating and drinking!. One half of our group chatted to about 5 graduates and the same with the other group.
I found the event really useful, It was good to get advice from people who have been through the process I am going through now. They talked a lot about the industry and what effect it has had on them. Points brought up were that they couldn't get jobs straight away, they advised us to get as much experience as possible when finishing the degree and during it such as placements, entering, working on briefs. There is also one thing that got brought up that I which I had heard before and didn't know whether it was true or not. One of the ex graduates said that most graphic design jobs want you to have experience in web design.
This made me think if this is the case then why isn't web design a part of our degree.

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