Tuesday 20 April 2010

Together Trust - portfolio visit

On the 21st April I went for a portfolio visit with Helen Bee at Together Trust. I made sure that I left early to allow myself enough time to get there. My appointment was at 4pm and I arrived at 3.20pm (which was a bit too early).
This being my first portfolio visit I was a bit anxious about what Helen was going to think about my work.
The visit started off with me explaining each piece of my work, e.g the brief, how I did it, what the ideas were behind it, why I chose to do what I did etc.
After this Helen commented on each piece of work and asked questions such as
What packages did I use, why did I chose certain colours, she also told me which pieces she liked and how I could develop my work even further. Helen told me that she liked the portfolio box and the sleeves she said the work that was in my portfolio was a good start. The pieces of work that she liked were my typography pieces. Which I was pleased with, as the typography pieces were my favourite pieces, and this was the brief that I enjoyed doing the most in the first year of my course. Looking at my Gill sans spread, she said that I could do another layout but with a different typeface and a different colour, she also said to make the typography pieces stronger I could add more from what I did for that brief/project. She also said that in my free time I should do some extra work outside of uni. She said if I know anyone who goes to church or works in a school or in a charity and they need posters, flyers or any other form of advertisement producing I could do that and then put it in my portfolio as well.
After we discussed my portfolio she gave me a list of useful websites to go on e.g package tutorials e.g Illustrator and Indesign. At the bottom of the list was interview tips useful for when I leave.
Overall the visit went really well and lasted about 40 minutes, I got some really good advice and feedback.

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