Tuesday 20 April 2010

Housing organisation- Design department- portfolio visit

On Tuesday the 27th April I went to Moss Care Housing Association for a portfolio visit. I met a Gill Wood there who is part of the marketing department. I found out that she attended Stockport College a while ago to do Graphic Design. I showed and talked about my work with her. After I had explained my work etc. how I created each piece and what the brief was. She went through my work again and asked questions and made comments about my work. The first thing that she noticed was a spelling error on the Manchester Literature Festival poster, which I failed to notice previously. The information that was put on the poster was already written up so I assumed the text was correct, But it wasn't so that is something that I have to correct. The next piece of work was my T-shirt designs Gill was quite impressed with these and she correctly guessed what the message was, which was about the Elections. The next pieces were to do with my Typography project Gill liked my double page spread. She also commented on the layout of my portfolio she said she like how the fact that it wasn't lined up she liked how every piece was set at a different angle.
On my general presentation she said that she feels as though she was trying to pull certain pieces of information out of me, so she said that I should be a bit more clearer and confident when presenting my work.
She then went on to show me some work that she was in the process of doing. She showed me some leaflets she was doing along side a Graphic designer, There were a total of 46 leaflets promoting what they deal with in the organization. She told me it was so hard finding suitable images to go with all the issues they deal with without offending anyone such as racial harassment and domestic violence. She also showed me a previous design, it was a magazine cover that was made from another designer, it was poor quality the images and logos on the cover were stretched. Then she showed me the developed one which was much better set out.
After we looked at the work she told me to keep in touch and she would too and when I go in with my portfolio next she will take me to the graphic designers she works with and let them see my work.

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