Tuesday 21 December 2010

Working in a pair...

This I found that it is a lot harder to work in a pair than it is working on my own. I find it a good experience working in a pair but I prefer to work on my own. I worked in a pair for the body shop brief that I have just completed. The biggest problem was being able to meet up to show each other what we had done and how we could improve on ideas. There was days that Stacey wasn't free and I was. However we did keep in contact through phone when we couldn't meet up, but you can't show visuals down a phone. When we first paired up I felt we were really organised each week we would come together with different ideas, but as the project was coming to an end we started to struggle. I can't speak for stacey but I felt that we had a really good idea, but it was quite difficult to execute it.

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