Thursday 29 July 2010

"A horse walks into a bar"

Today I went along to Castlefield art gallery, to see a group exhibition called 'A horse walks Into a bar'. It was hidden behind Deansgate train station. It wasn't what I expected, the gallery was very small it reminded me more of a doctor's surgery.
Here is a bit about the exhibition...
The artists involved in the exhibition are Corey Arnold, Richard Billingham, Andrew Bracey, Lorraine Burell, Maddi Nicholson, Dan Staincliffe, Chiz
Turnoss, UHC and Mark Wallinger.
The different types of media used are video, painting, photography, sculpture and performance.
The artists playfully examine the restriction of human and animal characteristics and question the evolution of the human race.

My opinion of this exhibition wasn't very good. I didn't find it interesting I found it confusing. During the exhibition I saw a photo that had two swans and a hand in it, wooden boxes with cartoon statues on them, and main attraction of the exhibition, which was placed in the middle of the floor, was what looked like a small version of a barn with an orange inflatable balloon attached to it with a sound of breathing. The only part of the show, that in my eyes related to the name of the show was the film. The film was just of a woman sat on a horse with a man and child standing next to the horse. It didn't really tell me anything. It felt to me like the exhibition was over before it started.

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