Wednesday 4 May 2011

Absolute Media

On the 21st April 2011 I went down to Absolute Media which in Bolton. I had a chat with Chris Hodgeon I talked him through my portfolio. He thought that I had some good work in my portfolio, he particularly liked the Body Shop work me and Stacey had done. As my portfolio is more typography based he passed me on to Wayne who is very into his typography. I briefly talked him through my portfolio and he gave me some really good advice on my work. He told me to think of different ways to execute my work e.g taking pictures (photography) make mock ups of for the Body Shop packaging. He liked some of the posters I did for The Language Show project I'm currently doing he said that he really liked the English poster I did for culture. He said even though the type is placed in different directions you can still understand what it is saying. He told me to look at designer Wim Crouwel for inspiration. He also told me that when I get a typography briefs in the future, it doesn't just have to be about type, images and pictures can be a major part in them. At the end of the visit I told Wayne what I was planning to do after I finish I mentioned doing a Master's degree because I felt that I still wanted to learn more about about graphic design and told me that you would learn more doing a placement for a few months than doing a master for a year.The reason being when doing a placement you get the feel of what it will be like working in the industry and will be working closely with other designers.
Before this visit I was very nervous about going seen as I hadn't visited a design agency in a while. If I'm honest I did sort of put off contacting agencies for a while, because I felt my work wasn't as complete as I wanted it to be. I also feared that designers would say that it isn't strong enough, especially as I'm coming to the end of my degree. The work in my portfolio will be the work that gets me a job.
I think this visit was quite successful I think I got good and bad feedback. More good than bad which I was pleased with. I appreciate the bad feedback because it will help me improve my work and make me stand out from the crowd. I feel this visit has given me more confidence in my work. What I also liked about this visit was that both Chris and Wayne were both honest about what they thought of my work which again I appreciated.

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