Tuesday 21 December 2010

Working outside of the 'box'

This has been a problem for me since the start of the course. Sometimes I feel reluctant to really push myself. This isn't because I don't want to, I fear that that the outcome won't be impressive. I think from the start of the course, to where I'm at now my style of working has changed.
Graphic designers that influence me such as Carson, Brody and Rand all have there own style of working and are quite rebellious when it comes to their work. So it makes me question why I don't follow their risk taking. The piece of work that I am proud of this year is the envelope security pattern I created. This is a brief that I was passionate about and I never got bored with,I have shown this in the outcome. I tried to make this brief more about my personality, instead of just following the brief. I really need to take more risks because as a designer it will make me stand out from the crowd.

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