Saturday 3 July 2010


As I am coming to end of my second year, I have found that I am more interested in the typographic side to design. I like the way letters appear, the negative and positive shapes, how they stand on their own, the colours, what they represent, what they portray, how they can form an image, Serif and Sans serif and the connotations and denotations.

(Typo) = "mark, figure" (grapho) "I write"

Typography involves - type setting and type design
handwriting and calligraphy
architectural lettering
poster design
typographic logos
labels on maps
kinetic typography
Editorial magazines
I came across this when I looking on youtube which I thought was quite funny

Here are some typographic images that interested me...

Here are a few typographic logos that I like. I like how simple and straight to the point they are.

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